Gaming Controllers

Gaming Mouse

PixArt invents one of finest quality gaming mouse chips for professional gaming mice makers, who are devoted to pamper their e-sport players with the best gaming experience ever.

With core design principals to deliver ultimate tracking speed, acceleration, resolution and accuracy, our gaming mouse sensors have long been working as gamer’s best companion in the past 20 years for all types of PC games. From MOBA (Multi-player Online Battle) and MMO (Massively Multi-player Online) games that requires high speed and high resolution for effective commanding, to FPS (First Person Shooter) games which precision is the key, our first-class gaming mouse chips fully equipped with great acceleration and agility are ready to roar in all games.

To add more flexibility and ease further implementation, PixArt’s gaming mouse chips come with angle snap function and self-adjusting variable-frame-rate algorithms, with programmer-definable parameters such as angles, resolution, lift cut-off detection and sleep/wake up time, or even by gamers (at the discrete of the programmer when working at software level).

Indulge your meticulous gamers with one of our mouse sensor chips below. Please click to read more.

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