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Financial Events

* The date is tentative and may be adjusted based on actual circumstances.
Date & Time Events Venue Note
2008-11-06  14:30 PM 2008/Q3 Investor Conference Hsinchu Science Park Life Hub, conference room #201 , (No. 1, Industry East Road II)
2008-08-07  14:30 PM 2008/Q2 Investor Conference Hsinchu Science Park Life Hub, conference room #201 , (No. 1, Industry East Road II)
2008-06-13  9:00 AM 2008 Stockholder Meeting Hsinchu Science Park Life Hub, conference room #201 , (No. 1, Industry East Road II)
2008-05-08  14:30 PM 2008/Q1 Investor Conference Hsinchu Science Park Life Hub, conference room #201 , (No. 1, Industry East Road II)
2008-02-07  14:30 PM 2007/Q4 Investor Conference Hsinchu Science Park Life Hub, conference room #201 , (No. 1, Industry East Road II)